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Code Block
cd /opt/confluence/bin/

In the Confluence notes they sometimes use instead of Investigate the difference.

Next, hit the website with a browser, http://localhost:8080/ or (change localhost to the ip address if you are not launching the browser off of the server) to start the first time configuration wizard.


If you have been following this tutorial these notes on how to setup Ubuntu, your firewall may be enabled. Make sure to enable access to port 8080.

The very first time Confluence starts it asks you to make selections,


Everything below here needs to be flushed out better.

Step through the configuration wizard and make the following selections,

  1. Choose Product Installation
  2. Makes sure PostgreSQL is selected (it should be by default) click External Database.
  3. Direct JDBC
  4. Fill out the form,
    1. Database URL: Change the default line, jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/confluence to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/confluencedbconfluencedb
    2. User: confluencedbuser
    3. Pass: the pasword you used earlier to create the user
  5. The intial user will be called "Server Admin" with user name serveradmin


Code Block
kill #### where #### is the process id

Future Upgrade Notes

s As part of planning for future upgrades listed here are the key files to keep in mind,
