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The output table from list is not very clear. I don't understand what to reference to use the "launch" commentcommand. Will put explanation here once figured out. Here is what I can tell,

Example "launch" Command ReferenceColumnNote

ubuntu:6041c5e200b6FINGERPRINTWill specifically reference the specific image in the list.g


Spinning Up an LXD Container


Code Block
lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 container01

This command does the following simultaneously,

  1. References the ubuntu: Image Server List
    1. Looks for 16.01 images
    2. Matches the current architecture of the machine you are on (in my example 
  2. Checks the cache Image Store for the required image
  3. Download (if not in Image Store) the target image
  4. Setup Container called container01 with default settings
  5. Install the target image into container01
  6. Start container01



Gives more details on initializing lxd -
