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Dont' follow this artcile yet. I got to clean it up.



This is a method of installing and running Tomcat in a way that is portable and part of the BonsaiFramework 0FS approach. Tar (zip) up the directory and move your entire application server or duplicate it with a copy command.This work comes from a corporate environment where isolation, control and ease of upgrade with a fallback are very important. Also, allows for fast horizontal scaling where multiple Tomcat instances are run on the same machine. This work also is the fundation for understanding and moving towards cloud techniques such as Tomcat based Docker.continution of the Bonsai Framework 0FS Tomcat setup and explains how to scale vertically by adding additional instances of Tomcat on the same machine.

This article gives an example of setting up 2 Tomcat instances using the same version of Java,

  • Tomcat1 0FS Tomcat Instance 1 on Java 1.6.0_16 run by user serveradmin
  • Tomcat2 0FS Tomcat Instance 2 on Java 1.6.0_16 run by user serveradmin

You may also opt to further mix and match with different versions of Tomcat and Java.

Software Stack Selection,

  • Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) = 6 Update 16
  • Tomcat = 6.0.20

Here is a diagram of what we will be building,
