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Similar to Eclipse, Tomcat also is also packaged without an installer. For windows we download the x86 .zip and for Linux or Unix download the .tar.gz file. Following the Bonsai Framework standards, decompress to the following folder,

  • C:\apps\eclipse-servers\apache-tomcat-6.0.24
  • /home/tpham/apps/eclipse-servers/apache-tomcat-6.0.24

Launch Eclipse


To fix this switch to the directory where resides,

Code Block
spctl --add --label "Eclise"

Actually, not sure if above fully worked. I tried and it did not seem to take. However, it started working after I I ended up switching to a root enabled account and disabling and enabling spctl. It may be adding below a  step to reboot,

Code Block
sudo spctl --master-disable
sudo spctl --master-enable

Then the error message turns to,


“” is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?

Click "open". Then enabling after it seems ok,

Code Block
sudo spctl --master-disable
sudo spctl --master-enable

I need to test on a fresh machine before saying 100%.
