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Code Block
ssh-keygen -R remote-server-name-here 


Share Folders with Host

... (this will be moved into a separate article)


Crap... I got this working late one night and don't remember the steps now.... below steps are not quite correct... will have to reverse engineer what I got working...

Think basic steps are,

  1. make top level directory on host, /opt/lxc
  2. go into container and create the directory ie mkdir /opt/confluence-share-data as whatever user you need in this case serveradmin
  3. shutdown container
  4. modify config of container, 
    1. lxc.mount.entry = /opt/lxc/confluence-share-data /var/lib/lxc/t01app/rootfs/opt/confluence-share-data none 0.0
    2. Note that you never create the confluence-share-data folder in the host just the lxc folder
  5. Bootup container and it will create in the host the folder /opt/lxc/confluence-share-data if it does not already exist


In this example, we want to mount a shared directory from the host system to be accessible to one or more containers,

host directory = /opt/lxc/confluenceshared-share-datafor-my-container/movies
the container, the directory = /opt/mount-host/movies

You may actually use the same directory name and path for both host and container, but I have kept them different for clarity.

While in the lxc container, create your directory and setup any permission you may want to set and shutdown the container,

Code Block
cd /opt
sudo mkdir mount-host
sudo chown serveradmin:staff # make accessible to the serveradmin user and staff group
sudo shutdown -h now # shutdown the container

In the host either create the folder (you may use any user because root is the process accessing), but I use sudo. Note the folder you choose may also be a mount over a network share.

From the host modify the config files. In this example it is /var/lib/lxc/my-container/config and add the following line,
