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The results show 1 entry with the alias name mywebservices which contains a single element, a self-signed certificate which is soley there to generate the CSR.

Generate the CSR (Certificate Service Request)

In this step we generate the request for the SSL certificate.


Your CA will return a certificate (your keystore file signed by the CA). Depending on the signer they may use different names so it can be confusing. For example the Entrust CA calls your certificate the "Webserver Certificate" even though in this example we are putting this on an application server. In our example we are provided the CA signed certificate as plain text which we then store in a text file calling it mywebservices-signe.cer. Here is what the contents of the plain text might look like,


To fill in.

Import The CA (Certificate Authority) Certificate(s)

At this point how many CA certificates need to be imported depend on the CA you use. Also, the CA certificates themselves are usually obtained from the respective Certificate Authority.
