Page tree

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Code Block
    Alias /shared/ "/home/"
    Alias /shared "/home/"
    <Directory /home/>
        # Make this folder browseable
        Options +Indexes

    Alias /shared.private/ "/home/"
    Alias /shared.private "/home/"
    <Directory /home/>

        # Allow website admin to use .htaccess -,
        #     AuthConfig - Authentication
        #     Indexes - Makes directory browseable
        # As soon as I introduce Indexes it breaks with error, ".htaccess: Options not allowed here".
        #AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes

        # This works but allowing all is a security risk
        # AllowOverride All

        # Start TEMP solution

        # Allow the .htaccess file to allow authentication.
        AllowOverride AuthConfig

        # For some reason allowing override of indexes does not work in .htaccess so set it manually here.
WAIT is this still true?         Options +Indexes

        # End TEMP solution


    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
