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Code Block
# Members of the staff group may gain root privileges
%staff ALL=(ALL) ALL

Naming Convention

You may want to understand the naming convention used here if you want to build your own. Otherwise, the examples are self-explanatory and have not encountered any issues.

Create Catch-All serveradmin user


Code Block
sudo useradd -d /home/bhitchbrian.hitch -m -g staff -u 2000 -c "Support Bryan Hitch" -s /bin/bash bhitchbrian.hitch
sudo useradd -d /home/jcassadayjohn.cassaday -m -g staff -u 2001 -c "Support John Cassaday" -s /bin/bash jcassadayjohn.cassaday
sudo useradd -d /home/welliswarren.ellis -m -g staff -u 2002 -c "Support Warren Ellis" -s /bin/bash welliswarren.ellis


Notice the -u which set's the user's GUIDs. We found it essential to standardize on the GUID of the accounts across all our systems consistently. Not doing so causes problems when it comes to cloning systems or moving programs across different environments. As a practice, we use the following GUID's ranges,


Code Block
sudo usermod -a -G adm bhitchbrian.hitch
sudo usermod -a -G adm jcassadayjohn.cassaday
sudo usermod -a -G adm welliswarren.ellis

When adding an existing user to an existing group the user must log out and log back in for changes to take effect.


Code Block
sudo passwd bhitchbrian.hitch
Enter new Unix password:
Reenter new Unix password:
passwd: password updated successfully
sudo passwd jcassadayjohn.cassaday
sudo passwd welliswarren.ellis

At this point it is important to log out and log in with your staff account to continue any new work. This will allow for a proper audit trail of the system from this point forward.
