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The BonsaiFramework uses a portable Java EE development environment that is composed of the following components,


The remainder of this document provides details about how to build/adjust the portable environment yourself. These same instructions should also work for the SpringSource Tool Suite.

Eclipse Setup

Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

Select Location

Select a drive and directory your computer where you will be keeping everything. The Bonsai Framework uses,

  • Windows = C:\apps\
  • Linux or Unix = /home/[your home directory]/apps for example, /home/tpham/apps/

Setup Package Java

Download Oracle's JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and follow the manual Java setup instructions.


  • Windows = C:\apps\eclipse\jre1.6.0_18
  • Linux or Unix = /home/tpham/apps/eclipse/jre1.6.0_18

Modify eclipse.ini

Modify the eclipse.ini to point to your JRE with by adding -vm and a reference to Java.



See Specifying the JVM at the Eclipse Wiki for more deteails.

Setup Tomcat

Similar to Eclipse, Tomcat also is also packaged without an installer. For windows we download the x86 .zip and for Linux or Unix download the .tar.gz file. Following the Bonsai Framework standards, decompress to the following folder,

  • C:\apps\eclipse\apache-tomcat-6.0.24
  • /home/tpham/apps/eclipse/apache-tomcat-6.0.24

Launch Eclipse

Start Eclipse by running the Eclipse executable included with the release. In our example the directories would be,

  • Windows = C:\apps\eclipse\eclipse.exe
  • Linux or Unix = /home/tpham/apps/eclipse/eclipse

Configure Eclipse to Use Tomcat


Ok this is where we have a problem. Once the Tomcat instance is created there seems to be no way to dynamically specify the various classpath entries... double-click on the server, Overview, Open Launch configuration, Classpath.
