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The remotebackup user could not be created using the shell because it was not possible to add the user to groups, change the password or specify a UID upon creation of the user. The user was not recognized by the system. (question) So Roderick did you just use the UI? Then you can't define the uid.

Create the backup group in the command line and give it the GID of 34 to follow the ubuntu standard,

Code Block
addgroup -g 34 backup


 # This will not work.

Instead, add the remotebackup user manually by editing the /etc/group file


Enter the user credentials with authentication to access the shared folder. And then click Connect to connect to the shared folder. NASImage Removed

Now this network share will not show up in the SHARED listing in the file manager. Instead look for the share in the /Volumes folder. In this example, /Volumes/myshare.private/.
