Page tree

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WordPress DirectoryDirectory PermissionsFiles PermissionsComment
/opt/web/php/ rwXr-X---Top level folder named by domain name.
/opt/web/php/ serveradmin:www-data rwXr-X---Location of WordPress instance for the domain name. We are using this folder rather than just the domain name to allow for more advanced configuration (such as separating the website with static content).
/opt/web/php/ serveradmin:www-data rwXrwX---Plugins and custom changes managed through the WordPress interface. Requires write access.


Each website will have it's own root folder under /opt/web/php/.




Each website specific folder will only allow users belonging to the correct group to enter and work with the directory,

Code Block
cd /opt/web/php
sudo mkdir
sudo chown -R serveradmin:www-data ./
sudo chmod -R u+rwX,g+r-w+X,o-rwX ./


URLAreaPurpose can hit this url right now and see a default working site. This url is where your users will enter.

This url results from clicking the "Log In" button after the WordPress install is complete. It can also be accessed through the Public homepage by click "Log In" located at the bottom right under "META". The Administration area allows the customization and configuration of WordPress.

Also, once logged into the administration, if you browse to the public area, you will see additional buttons and options to create posts and edit the website contents. WordPress is your main website you should configure Apache to redirect to

If you have the Install WordPress Success Screen still up, click "Log In" will take you to the Word Press Administration url or use the url in the table above.
