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Code Block
# Rsync over the Internet
rsync -a -v -z -e "ssh -c arcfour -o Compression=no -x" /source/folder 

# Rsync over LAN
rsync -a -v -e "ssh -c arcfour -o Compression=no -x" /source/folder

--archive or -a = Archive mode (add more notes about why to use this).. Performs recursion and preserves almost all attributes of the source files (with -H being a notable omission). Note that it does not preserve hard links, because finding multiply-linked files is expensive. You must separately specify -H.

-v = Verbose. Using -vv will provide additional detail. Additionally more v's may be added.

-e ssh = Specify remote shell to be ssh.


-o Compression=no = Disable ssh compression as we will be using rsync's own which is more efficient.

--compress or -z = Enable rsync's compression.

-x = turns off ssh's X tunneling feature (if you have it on by default).

--dry-run or -n = Very important to use first time or to test --delete. Performs trial run without making changes. Use in combination with -v and --itemize-changes. -vv will provide even more details.

-d -delete or --delete d = Delete on target to match source.

--itemize-changes or -i = List of changes for each file including attribute changes.

--human-readable or -h = Makes numbers in the log and stdout more readable when it comes to large units.

--progress = Shows progress of transfer.

Command Reference

Remote file copy - Synchronize file trees across local disks, directories or across a network.
