Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


As part of planning for future upgrades here is a checklist to keep in mind. As an example, we will be upgrading from Confluence 4.0.5 to 4.3.2.

Review the Upgrade and Release Notes


Make sure to copy over the java folder or take this opportunity to install and updated version of Java.

Copy Existing Java

To copy the existing version of Java,

Code Block
cp -R /opt/confluence/java /opt/atlassian-confluence-4.3.2/java
sudo ln -s ./atlassian-confluence-4.0.5 ./confluence


Upgrade Java

Follow the above steps on how to Manually Setup JRE

Key Files

  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml
  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/ (new to Confluence 4.x)


  • /opt/confluence/confluence/decorators/includes/footer-content.vm

If you used a symbolic link as described in this article, make sure to update your symbolic link,

Code Block
cd /opt/
sudo rm confluence
sudo ln -s ./atlassian-confluence-4.3.2 ./confluence



Also, keep a page listing any plug-ins you install. Upgrades generally do not require you to reinstall the plugins but they might be deprecated. After the upgrade is done, login as Administrator on Confluence and ensure plug-ins are up to date.
