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The special boostrap instructions on the wiki as of May 5, 2012 for DSM 4.0 do not seem complete nor correct. Using DSM 4.0-2233 did not result in errors so ignore these the special boostrap instructions,


NEW: If you have DSM 4.0 there is an additional step. In the file /root/.profile you need to comment out (put a # before) the lines "PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/syno/sbin:/usr/syno/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" and "export PATH". To do this enter the command "vi /root/.profile" to open the file in vi. Now change vi to edit mode by pressing the "i" key on your keyboard. Use the down cursor key to move the cursor to the start of the line "PATH=/sbin..." and put a "#" infront of this line so it is now "#PATH=/sbin...". Do the same for the line below so it is now "#export PATH". Now press the escape key (to exit edit mode) and type "ZZ" (note they are capitals) to tell vi to save the file and exit. For background info on why this is neccessary for DSM 4 refer to
