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Add the private keys to remotebackup required to log into other systems to transfer backups.

Creating the Backup Destination

The backup destination will only have r/w access by remotebackup



Note that the ash is the default shell. Synergy selected ash because it is a lightweight version of bash and generally compatible.

Creating the rsync script

Code Block
rsync -av --delete -e ssh remotebackup@ip:/source/ /destination/

To test run scripts the command is 

Code Block


Adding the Cronjob

To add the script to cron edit the crontab located in /etc/crontab make sure you are root.

If you are unsure of how to schedule time view the cron page

Code Block
vi /etc/crontab
0 5 * * * remotebackup /path/to/ #The script must be run by the remotebackup user because of permissions.

When adding or removing commands to the crontab make sure to restart the crond service so the commands take effect.

Code Block
synoservice --restart crond

To view the logs to see if your cronjob was run is located in /var/log/messages

Connecting with Clients

Mac OS X Auto Mount


How to clear history of last command -

Using Crontab

When adding or removing commands to the crontab make sure to restart the crond service so the commands take effect.

Code Block
synoservice --restart crond

To view the logs to see if your cronjob was run is located in /var/log/messages


Improving the Automatic Backup
