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Rather than using root to pull down data from other system we will use remotebackup.

Create remotebackup through the command line rather than the web interface as we want to specify the UID.



The remotebackup user could not be created using the shell because it was not possible to add the user to groups, change the password or specify a UID upon creation of the user. The user was not recognized by the system.

Create the backup group in the command line and give it the GID of 34 to follow the ubuntu standard

Code Block
addgroup -g 34 backup

Next add the remotebackup user by editing the /etc/group file

Code Block
vi /etc/group

Now we change the UID to 3001 following bonsaiframework standard and give shell access for remotebackup by editing the /etc/passwd file but do not forget to backup first

Code Block
# Roderick I'll leave this to you. cp /etc/passwd ./passwd.yr-mo-dy.v0.0.username.bck
vi /etc/passwd
remotebackup:x:1000:100:Remote Backup:/var/services/homes/remotebackup:/sbin/nologin 
#change the number "1000" to 3001 and the "/sbin/nologin" to /bin/sh
remotebackup:x:3001:100:Remote Backup:/var/services/homes/remotebackup:/bin/sh 

To allow serveradmin to login, change the default shell from nologin to /bin/sh. The chsh command is not currently available on the package site so you must edit edit the passwd file manually,


Note that the ash is the default shell. Synergy selected ash because it is a lightweight version of bash and generally compatible.

To test run scripts the command is 

Code Block


Connecting with Clients

Mac OS X Auto Mount


How to clear history of last command -

Using Crontab

When adding or removing commands to the crontab make sure to restart the crond service so the commands take effect.

Code Block
synoservice --restart crond

To view the logs to see if your cronjob was run is located in /var/log/messages


Improving the Automatic Backup
