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Comment: Added subdirectory flag to acls.


Code Block
sudo /home/
# Normal permissions
sudo chown -R svradm:svradm ./
sudo chmod -R 750 ./
# ACL permissions
sudo setfacl -mRm g:wgdailyplanet:rwx ./
sudo setfacl -mRm g:www-data:r ./
sudo setfacl -mRm g:staff:r ./


Code Block
getfacl --access ./ | sudo setfacl -d -MRM - ./
getfacl --access ./ | setfacl -d -M- ./

getfacl --access generates the details of the permissions we applied to the directory and the setfacl with the -d and -M parameters changes the default ACL for new files and directories. The R flag esures the changes are applied recursively to folders and files.


Notice the dash after -M which takes as a parameter file. If the file is -, the input is taken from stdin.

Repeat the same steps for and change the group accordingly,

Code Block
sudo /home/
# Normal permissions
sudo chown -R svradm:svradm ./
sudo chmod -R 750 ./
# ACL permissions
sudo setfacl -Rm g:wglexcorp:rwx ./
sudo setfacl -Rm g:www-data:r ./
sudo setfacl -Rm g:staff:r ./
# Apply default ACLs
getfacl --access ./ | sudo setfacl -d -RM - ./

Still one problem is that if files exist they have read from other... to fix this... maybe because I did it after, to test again...


Good introduction from the Ubuntu docs -
