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To show up on the Mac find SHARED did a variation of this, and selected just one folder then all the others show up.

Mac OS X Hidden Mount with GUI

To mount a hidden share as a specific user perform the following steps. It is assumed that in DiskStation Mac file service has been enabled.


Now this network share will not show up in the SHARED listing in the file manager. Instead look for the share in the /Volumes folder. In this example, /Volumes/myshare.private/.

Mount Hidden Share with CLI

The advantage of the CLI (Command Line Interface) is that is it not obvious to another casual user that you had mounted the hidden share. 

Code Block
cd /Volumes/
mkdir myshare.hidden # This can actually be any folder, but kept here by convention and generally matches the share folder.
mount_smbfs //secretuser@ ./myshare.hidden

The command mount_smbfs is a wrapper for "mount -t smbfs" so the following command sequence will also work,

Code Block
cd /Volumes/
mkdir myshare.hidden # This can actually be any folder, but kept here by convention and generally matches the share folder.
mount -t smbfs //secretuser@ ./myshare.hidden


Unmount Hidden Share with GUI

Do not know how to do this yet. Please share if you do.

Unmount Hidden Share with CLI

To be extra secure, unmount your hidden share when you have finished using it. Go to the command line and use the umount command. In this example it would be,

Code Block
cd /Volumes/
umount myshare.private
# Look for command to remove unmount and mount entries from history.

Improving the Automatic Backup
