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Comment: Added notes on changing tomcat.1 ports.


/opt/apache/tomcat.1 - directory for Tomcat1 running on the default port 80808180
/opt/apache/tomcat.1/java - directory we will place java for Tomcat1

/opt/apache/tomcat.2 - directory for Tomcat2
/opt/apache/tomcat.2/java - directory we will place java for Tomcat2 running ont he port 81808280

So as your first step, create the apache directory under opt,


Leave the setup Java folder alone for now. It will be moved into the Tomcat folder as part of the Tomcat setup.

Manually Setup Tomcat

Again, by By manually setting up Tomcat there is much more control and you can run multiple tomcat instances. Download tomcat. I prefer the The tar.gz file is used because permissions are already setup for you there such as execute for A zip file will lose the permissions.


Code Block
su - serveradmin
cd ~
gunzip apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz
tar -xvpf apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar # All the permissions will be kept
mv ./apache-tomcat-6.0.20/ ./tomcat.1/ # This will be Tomcat1
exit # Switch back to your staff account

We do not allow serveradmin sudo access. The purpose of the serveradmin account is to run Tomcat and java. In the event that Tomcat is somehow attacked serveradmin would be compromosied. Not allowing serveradmin access to sudo provides an extra layer of security.

Next move the extracted Java folder into your tomcat folder,


Code Block
cd /opt/apache
sudo chown -R serveradmin:staff ./tomcat.1/
sudo chmod -R 750 ./tomcat.1/


Change Default Ports

We will change Tomcat1 from the default ports,

  • 8005 - for shutdown
  • 8009 - for JK Mod
  • 8080 - regular port similar to 80
  • 8443 - ssl port similar to 443

The new ports will be,

  • 8105 - for shutdown
  • 8109 - for JK Mod
  • 8180 - regular port similar to 80
  • 8543 - ssl port similar to 443

The very first step is to verify that the ports for Tomcat1 are not being used.

Code Block
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 8105
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 8109
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 8180
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 8543

If you get no results then there are no listening ports.

Change Tomcat1 to use use the new ports by editing /opt/tomcat.1/conf/server.xml. Use an editor to search and replace or more quickly using the following sed commands to do modify your file,

Code Block
cd /opt/apache/tomcat.1/conf
sed -i 's/8005/8105/' server.xml
sed -i 's/8009/8109/' server.xml
sed -i 's/8080/8180/' server.xml
sed -i 's/8443/8543/' server.xml

Fix Tomcat Logging

Out of the box Tomcat Logging has a bug where after catalina.out reaches a large file size over logging stops working. On top of that if your log file reaches 2GB Tomcat will fail to start and without reporting any errors. Yes this is pretty crazy that this is not fixed.


Code Block
cd /opt
sudo cp -Rp ./apache/tomcat.1/ ./apache/tomcat.2/ # This will be Tomcat2

Leave Tomcat1 on the default Tomcat6 ports,

  • 8005 8105 - for shutdown
  • 8009 8109 - for JK Mod
  • 8080 8180 - regular port similar to 80
  • 8443 8543 - ssl port similar to 443

Tomcat2 will use the following ports,

  • 8105 8205 - for shutdown
  • 8109 8209 - for JK Mod
  • 8180 8280 - regular port similar to 80
  • 8543 8643 - ssl port similar to 443

The very first step is to verify that the ports for Tomcat2 are not being used.

Code Block
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 81058205
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 81098209
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 81808280
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 8543

If you get no results then there are no listening ports.

Change Tomcat2 to use use the following new ports by editing /opt/tomcat.2/conf/server.xml. Use an editor to search and replace or more quickly using the following sed commands to do modify your file,

Code Block
cd /opt/apache/tomcat.2/conf
sed -i 's/8005/8105/8205/' server.xml
sed -i 's/8009/8109/8209/' server.xml
sed -i 's/8080/8180/8280/' server.xml
sed -i 's/8443/8543/8643/' server.xml


Finally startup your Tomcat instances and verify that they are listening,

Code Block
su - serveradmin

cd /opt/apache/tomcat.1/bin/
cd /opt/apache/tomcat.2/bin/

netstat -an | grep LISTEN
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN
tcp6       0      0          :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::80098109                 :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::80808180                 :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     7376     @/com/ubuntu/upstart
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11434    /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     21228    /var/run/apache2/cgisock.4973

Notice that here we have started Tomcat1 and it is listening on port 8009 8109 and 80808180.

Tomcat by default will have a sample application installed and running.


If you have a firewall setup do not forget to open these the ports for testing and then close them afterwards if you plan to front with the Apache Web Server.

If your server has a web browser you can load the examples page using http://localhost:80808180/examples/. From another computer you can see the examples application by browsing to, where if is not a real dns, use the server's IP address or add a host file entry to your client system.


Code Block
<Connector port="80808180" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>

If you plan to use mod_jk then also adjust the appropriate connector,

Code Block
<Connector port="80098109" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="85438643" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />

