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  • DS212j using the Marvel Kirkwood mv6281 ARM chipset
  • Two 3 Terabyte Drives

Synology DS212j Setup


Perform the following Update


Code Block
ipkg install rsync # installs rsync for making backups
ipkg install htop # nice monitoring of system
ipkg install mlocate # easily find files


Common Errors Installing Packages
Code Block
 ipkg_conf_init: Failed to create temporary directory `(null)': Permission denied

You The reason for this error is that you are not logged in as root.


Server Administration User

Rather than using root to perform tasks we user serveradmin.

First create serveradmin through the web interface. 

Next, using the shell as root, create serveradmin's home directory manually,

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# Roderick I'll leave this to you. 

To allow serveradmin to login, change the default shell from nologin to /bin/sh by editing the passwd file,

Code Block
cd ~
cp /etc/passwd ./passwd.2012.08.12.v0.0.tpham.bck # Make a backup first.
vi /etc/passwd # Edit the file with vi or whatever is your favourite editor.

Verify that serveradmin can log in,

Code Block
su - serveradmin
BusyBox v1.16.1 (2012-06-06 04:34:01 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
DiskStation> pwd # Check that your home directory is right.

Add the private key required to log into other systems to transfer backups.


Note that the ash is the default shell. Synergy selected ash because it is a lightweight version of bash and generally compatible.
