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Still making the list of minimal virtual machine by going through each package not included and looking it up on the Ubunu Package Search website.

Put in for sureThese packages are highly recommended,

Code Block
# All in one command
sudo apt-get install at man vim rsync

# Alternatively do one line at a time
sudo apt-get install at # To run a job at a specified time.
sudo apt-get install man # man pages.
sudo apt-get install vim # Newer vi which has color coding.
sudo apt-get install rsync # Transfer just the differences between two sets of files across the network 

This above list is still be  refined. Maybe put in,

Code Block
sudo apt-get install dnsutil # Might be useful as it has nslookup.
geoip-database # Determine geo location of ip. Probably installed with dnsutil. 
sudo apt-get install command-not-found # Suggest packages to install when command is not found.


Code Block
sudo apt-get install telnet zip unzip mlocate htop wget ne colordiff wdiff 

Here is the long version of it,

Code Block
sudo apt-get install telnet # great for verifying connection to listening ports
sudo apt-get install zip unzip # easy to use zip software

sudo apt-get install mlocate # quick file searching
sudo updatedb # If you want to manually update the database for mlocate searching.

sudo apt-get install htop # enhanced version of top to see system performance
sudo apt-get install wget # easily download things from the Internet

sudo apt-get install ne # easy dos like editor, push ESC key to see menu
sudo apt-get install colordiff wdiff # diff tools to colourize diff files and word diff to diff at a word level (rather then the regular line)
