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Forget about using editing the Instead, first install 32-bit JRE per the Zero Footprint Java on Ubuntu instructions using serveradmin. The only slight change is that we will move the JRE into the following folder using a root enabled account,

Code Block
sudo mv /home/serveradmin/java/ /opt/java-forgerock/
sudo chown -R serveradmin:staff /opt/java-forgerock/
sudo chmod -R 750 /opt/java-forgerock/

Configure Java Environment Path


There is a bug that was resolved in the main start-ds, but as of 2.4.5 still exists with dsjavaproperties, the environment variable should be, OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME but dsjavaproperties still uses OPENDS_JAVA_HOME.

So We set the environment variable and then run the commandfor serveradmin by editing the user's profile,

Code Block
cd ~
vi .profile 

At the the following to the end of the file,

Code Block
export OPENDS_JAVA_HOME=/opt/opendj-java-runtime
cd /opt/opendj.0/bin
The operation was successful. The server commands will use the java arguments and java home specified in the properties file located in /opt/opendj.0/config/

Command Line Setup

Do everything as the user that will be running OpenDJ. In our tutorial we will use serveradmin unless otherwise indicated,
