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Code Block
sudo apt-get install fontconfig 


Setup Java

In theory and design we should be able to make OpenDJ truly zero footprint and specify the exact version of Java to run via the systems configuration file. However, in actual practice you end up having to setup and Java environment variable to pretty much do anything, so we might as well use a Java environment variable to run OpenDJ.


Code Block
cd /opt/opends.0

./setup --cli
Please set OPENDS_JAVA_HOME to the root of a Java 6 update 10 (or higher) installation or edit the file and then run the dsjavaproperties script to specify the Java version to be used.



Install Java

Forget about using editing the Instead, first install 32-bit JRE per the Zero Footprint Java on Ubuntu instructions using serveradmin. Next, move the JRE into the following folder,

Code Block
languagebash -Xms256m

-server - Per Oracle OpenDS manual, selects server application runtime optimizations. The directory server will take longer to start and “warm up” but will be more aggressively optimized to produce higher throughput.

For the can probably use the running environment variable path instead of a hard code (saw it somewhere)

I don't want the java path in the serveradmin's environment variable, so I'll only temporarily setup a java path to run dsjavaproperties,

sudo mv /home/serveradmin/java/ /opt/java-forgerock/

Configure Java Environment Path


There is a bug that was resolved in the main start-ds, but as of 2.4.5 still exists with dsjavaproperties, the environment variable should be, OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME but dsjavaproperties still uses OPENDS_JAVA_HOME. Need to open up a new ticket.

So set the environment variable and then run the command,

Code Block
export OPENDS_JAVA_HOME=/opt/opendj-java-runtime
cd /opt/opendj.0/bin
The operation was successful.  The server commands will use the java arguments and java home specified in the properties file located in /opt/opendj.0/config/

Log off and log back on to wipe out the temporary environment variable.

Ok this is stupid, they wipe file after install so I have to put it back in after... so maybe just use the environment variable and then turn around and modify the file after.


Command Line Setup

Run the command line setup,
